Our Story

Welcome to South Fort Farms. This is a family farm that is aiming to do the right things in the right ways. We are Dallas and Kailee Dundas, and our kids, Belva, Lena, Jack, Corbin, Mavie and Ellis. We are based on the scenic banks of Deadhorse Lake, about an hour east of Calgary, right outside of Hussar, Alberta.

Dallas and Kailee have deep roots in this community, our kids representing the sixth generation of local living. While we have always been surrounded by agriculture, we have pursued other avenues as well. Dallas has an extensive background in the energy industry, from which he has learned about business, processes, safety and the environment. Kailee has spent a lot of time in sport and has learned from generous and accomplished role models about leadership, teamwork and achievement. We appreciate the beauty and abundance we are surrounded by every day. We have tried different places, but this one draws us. We want to leave things better than we found them for ourselves and our kids and the community.

We have a long-term perspective and we believe sticking to these values will result in positive outcomes for our family and our community. We question everything we do, in an effort to come up with processes and ideas that are the best for our particular circumstances. We put in the necessary work to achieve our goals.

We will get back to basics by raising high quality, grass fed beef and other food for people who want healthy, delicious nourishment, and care where it comes from. We are an unconventional farm: industrious, not industrial.

Our Purpose

It is our purpose to provide for our family’s wellbeing by operating a business that uses our core values to thrive. We want to run a family business, use it to make a living and raise our kids in a manner that will teach them life lessons. We work together as a family.

Our Values

  1. Integrity
  2. Respect
  3. Excellence
  4. Flexibility
  5. Creativity
  6. Sustainability